Example of a letter from a teacher

Dear student,

Making mental well-being a subject of discussion is not an easy job. It is something that concerns and sometimes even grips all of us, consciously or unconsciously. Mental well-being is often not discussed until it is no longer there. And just then, the threshold seems too high to ask for help. It happens to all of us sometimes, we get lost in our own dark parts, … How nice it would be if someone could turn on the light for us. And how nice it would be if we then know how to turn on the light ourselves afterwards. As teachers, we can accompany you for a bit and occasionally turn on the light for you.

Dear student,

I believe very strongly in the need for mentally feeling good in a classroom, where you can work meaningfully on skills and knowledge. It is not about resolving knots in your brain, but often about realising that they are allowed to be there in the class, accepted, like someone who has blue hair, and no one says anything about it: Blue hair, you are. Safety means knowing that your being, your words, your visions, … are safe here, may be expressed, without condemnation, In the same way, you may know from me all my pain points, namely not being accepted as a teacher, not being able to do my job with you, it leads with me to the feeling of being scorned, humiliated a condemnation thus.

Learning = synonymous with opening my being in all vulnerability to allow new.

This is not a plea to open your backpack on command here and now, let it happen throughout our learning process …

Dear student,

You are at school to learn and that includes making mistakes. With me, you should not be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions. Try to realise that secondary education is a small part of your life. This period, together with primary education, you grow enormously, along with your cognitive skills. It is also important that you do not compare yourselves with other classmates but compare yourselves with your own, so you will see your own growth more clearly. As a teacher, I try to guide you as best I can in this growth. I also want you to know that I am there for you in case you have a problem.

Dear students

How are you doing today?

How was your morning/afternoon/afternoon already?

Was the bus/train on time? Or just had a stressful morning?

Hopefully you can now land in the safe environment of my class.

Forget about your problems for a while, focus on what you will learn.

I will do my best to make everything as enjoyable as possible.

Apart from my teaching assignment, I always want to offer my listening ear and help you whenever possible because I see you and care about you unconditionally as a teacher.

I want to tell you that ideally I want you to feel safe and be able to be yourself all the time, no matter how difficult. Everyone is searching for themselves and hopefully class dynamics can make you discover yourself quickly, working together is the key, 1+1=3, your individuality is the greatest gift you can give. I want to meet you in your vulnerability and in your strength.

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